Dassault Systemes
Dassault Systems needed to stand out at Pack Expo, a show with intense competition for attention especially given their small 200 sq. ft. footprint.
Rather than the typical LED video wall, we opted to integrate anamorphic video with a two-sided vertical format LED pillar.
Traditional detail stations flanked the center pillar giving attendees opportunity for deeper dives.
The main goal of the LED pillar was to capture the attention of attendees but also to provide a 30 second peek into the advanced capabilities of Dassault Systems software relative to the material handling industry.
Developed in-house with complete synergy of exhibit design and content creation, the results speak for themselves. Using anamorphic techniques, elements not only appeared holographic as if to hover in space but also breaking the planes of the screen as if to flow into the booth space. This effect presented a new dynamic way to explain complex engineering concepts while gathering a crowd of spellbound viewers all within the scale of a small exhibit space.