Privacy Notice


We Value Your Privacy

BlueHive, Inc. is committed to securing the data of our website’s users, and as such only collects personal data relevant for the purposes of responding to user inquiries and optimizing our website. This privacy policy describes who is collecting your data on this website, how we collect your data, how we use your data, and your rights as a user.


This privacy policy is updated as of May 18, 2022.


Who Is Collecting The Data?
BlueHive, Inc. and our third-party website analytics tools as described in the Third-Party Website Tools section of this privacy policy.


How We Collect Data
On this website, BlueHive, Inc. collects data in the following ways:

Contact forms
Website statistics

Personal Data Being Collected
In order to address inquiries, BlueHive, Inc. may request the following personal data:
Full name
Phone number
Email address
Physical company address
Professional information (such as company name)


The above personal data is only collected when a user willingly submits the information to BlueHive, Inc.

BlueHive, Inc. also uses cookies in conjunction with Google Analytics and Visual Visitor to view statistical information about website activity. This information includes page views, pages visited, and other website activity data that allows BlueHive, Inc. to optimize this website. We also collect visitor IP addresses to determine the general location of the visitor (city, state, and country), and if available, the name of a company associated with the IP address.


Why We Are Requesting This Data And How Will It Be Used?
BlueHive, Inc. requests personal data for the purpose of responding to inquiries. We do not sell your personal data to any third party. In certain events, BlueHive, Inc. may be required by law to disclose personal data, or use relevant personal data in legal proceedings.

By completing a contact form, live chat, or sending an email inquiry, the user gives consent for BlueHive, Inc. to reply to their inquiry, or to forward their inquiry along with limited personal information and any provided professional information to a regional BlueHive, Inc. dealer. This limited personal information only includes information the user has freely disclosed to BlueHive, Inc. in his or her inquiry. It may include the user’s full name, phone number, email address, and physical address, depending on what information the user provides BlueHive, Inc. to answer his or her inquiry.


Users have the right to revoke this consent as described in the Right to Withdraw Consent section of this privacy policy.

Data is stored on secure servers in the United States. After a user contacts BlueHive, Inc. (by email, live chat, or contact form), we store relevant personal data they have willingly provided us (name, email address, phone number, and so on) as long as the user has an active account with us. For users that do not contact BlueHive, Inc., we do not keep records of his or her automatically collected personal data (such as IP address). For our third-party website analytics tools (see the Third-Party Website Tools section), automatically collected personal data is subject to the policy of each third-party company. As of July 20, 2018, this automatically collected personal data is either immediately anonymized by these third-party companies, or kept for a maximum of approximately one year before being deleted.

Cookies And Website Analytics
A cookie is a small piece of data that a web browser stores on a user’s computer. BlueHive, Inc. uses cookies in conjunction with Google Analytics and Visual Visitor to view statistical information about website activity. This information includes page views, pages visited, and other website activity data that allows BlueHive, Inc. to optimize this website. We also collect visitor IP addresses to determine the general location of the visitor (city, state, and country), and if available, the name of a company associated with the IP address.


Third-Party Website Tools
BlueHive, Inc. uses Google Analytics to view statistical information about website activity. You can learn more about how Google uses this data at: If you would like to opt out of Google Analytics tracking, you can do so by installing a browser plugin. For details about installing this browser plugin, please go to:

BlueHive, Inc. uses Visual Visitor to identify the names and general locations (city, state, and country) of companies that have browsed this website. This tool allows BlueHive, Inc. to identify the names of companies that may be interested in purchasing our products. Visual Visitor collects a user’s IP address to determine the name of the company browsing the website, but no other personal data is collected. You can view Visual Visitor’s Privacy Policy at:

BlueHive, Inc. uses the Gravity Forms WordPress plugin for the contact forms on our website, which are used to collect inquiries for Trigon products. You can view Gravity Forms’ privacy policy at:

Will The Data Be Transferred Internationally?
Inquiries are sent to BlueHive, Inc. in the United States. After receiving an inquiry, the inquiry and the contact information provided by the inquirer (name, email address, phone number, company name, and given physical address) may be forwarded to a local dealer servicing the inquirer’s region. Depending on the location of the inquirer or the location of the inquirer’s project, the local dealer may be located in a different country from the inquirer.

BlueHive, Inc. uses MailChimp as the Customer Relationship Management platform. All web interactions done after a contact form has been completed is tracked and identified by use of cookies. Any request to remove web information will also result in the removal of information from the CRM.


Right to Access, Rectify, or Erase Data
If you are a resident of the European Union and would like to request access to view, change, or delete personal data, please email: We will reply to your request within 30 days.


Right to Withdraw Consent
Residents of the European Union have the right to withdraw consent from BlueHive, Inc. to contact you at any time. If you would like to withdraw consent after beginning a live chat, simply mention that you are withdrawing your consent to be contacted. If you would like to withdraw consent after submitting a contact form or emailing BlueHive, Inc., please email us at, using the same email address from the contact form or from your initial email, stating that you withdraw consent to be contacted. After receiving this withdrawal of consent notification, we will not reply to you, and we will delete your inquiry from our records within 30 days.


Right to Lodge a Complaint
Residents of the European Union have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of his or her area of residence, workplace, or place of the alleged processing of personal data rights infringement.